Following Monday’s nominations, Diamonds Feza, hakeem & Dillish found themselves up for eviction aboard Rubies, Koketso & LK4. once the SizweNtsalubaGobodo auditor had delivered the verified voting results on Sunday night’s show, LK4 was the primary to depart – however didn’t need to wait too long to be reunited with Koketso, as she was evicted next. Just before the evictions happened, the Heads of House had to reveal their ‘save & replace’ selections.
Diamond Head of House Betty disclosed she had saved Bolt as a result of he’s fun to be around and replaced him with
Feza. Emotional Ruby Head of House Selly disclosed that she had saved Biguesas and replaced him with Koketso. LK4 burst onto the stage, shortly after his eviction announcement and told IK that his strategy had evolved into something else as his relationship with Koketso blossomed. Once Koketso joined him, she was coy on the long run of their relationship outside the house, adopting a ‘wait and see’ angle. Big Brother then determined to play a trick on the housemates in the week, creating them believe there was a 3rd house live – the Emerald house. It’s simply a part of the sport, to keep them guessing! Entertainment for the evening included 2 performances by Kenya’s own Victoria Kimani singing her large hit ‘Mtoto’ and later, ‘Oya’.
All eyes are now focusing on who will be the next housemates to be nominated this week. With Ghanaian Selly and Nigeria's Melvin as the heads of the two houses this week, it's likely that Ghana and Nigeria will be safe from Nomination.
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